
Health care to a large number of inspection items is price cut, Attached price comparison)

by:Celecare     2020-05-23
On August 9, recently, the hangzhou city health bureau, the municipal public health health committee issued 'medical service price reform scheme of hangzhou', and the effect on August 1. Hangzhou 55 medical institutions of medical service prices have been adjusted. So will the price reform of common people, patients, and what effect do we IVD industry, the brief analysis of below small make up will do for you! What are the reform content? A, the municipal public hospital and volunteered for the comprehensive reform of public hospital hospital adjust related projects, a total of 11, 940, prices improve project 879 items, reduce project 59; Among them 938 agree with ShengJu scheme adjustment projects, amplitude, the other 2 new reflect characteristics of hangzhou municipal public hospital projects. Cancel can separate charge medical consumables bonus policies at the same time, a zero rate of sales. Second, xiaoshan, yuhang, fuyang related hospital 2797 yuhang xiaoshan adjustment projects, including prices improve project 2191 items, reduce project 606 items. Fuyang adjustment, a total of 3171 projects, including prices improve project 2665 items, reduce project 506 items. Adjusted price is in line with with the level of hangzhou municipal public hospital. Cancel can separate charge medical consumables bonus policies at the same time, a zero rate of sales. Volunteered for the comprehensive reform of public hospital related hospital, medicine and medical consumables management by reference to the relevant policies in public hospitals. Why should carry out the reform of medical service price? For a long time, because the history and is still in the gradual construction of medical security system, public medical institutions income value reflect the medical staff services technology in medical service prices are relatively low. 13 provincial hospital in hangzhou, for example, 2018 revenue composition mainly include medical services, drug, consumables, 36% and 17%, 29% 18% inspection; Total accounted for seventy percent of the revenue, and truly reflect the medical staff labor value and the expert technical value income accounts for only thirty percent of medical services. It not only wastes the medicines and chemical reagents, consumables, but also have a bad effect to the health of people. At the same time, the doctor training cycle is long, difficult technology, professional high risk, low medical service price to some extent, is not conducive to attract excellent talents become a doctor. It is in this context, the province health bureau after forming, the medical service price reform as one of the three largest reform tasks this year, in conjunction with the provincial health committee in conducting research deeply, to ask for some advice on the basis of fully, launched a public hospital medical service price reform at the provincial level. The reform in patients with common people, there will be a burden? Due to the principle of the reform according to the total quantity control, structure adjustment control, medical services price increase part is less than the total dosage of drugs, consumables, examination, inspection save and cancel the income of medical consumables addition amount, therefore, are generally not burden on patients. Pricing and the project is paid 90%, patients share some of the less personal. In the long run, by gradually standardize the diagnosis and treatment of medical institutions, reduce the unreasonable use of medicines and chemical reagents, consumables, etc, to control the unreasonable inspection fees, shouldn't eat medicine don't eat, not to do the inspection, benefit patients and in the end. From the impact on medical insurance fund, also due to the price reform pricing principle according to the total amount control, structural adjustment, and hospital commitment to vacate falls is price increase part 1. 1 times, most drugs, consumables, examination, inspection and medical insurance to pay limits. Therefore, as long as the hospital finish empty falls, generally do not increase the medical insurance fund spending. Part of the inspection items price reform price reduce project 59 contrast before and after the reform, including inspection items became a disaster zone. Above was part of the small make up to arrange inspection items price comparison before and after the reform, which is difference before and after tuberculosis T cell detection, down 223 yuan. HPV testing from 200 yuan, down to 167. Can say, the price for IVD enterprises and will be a challenge.
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