
Cannot do this health care reform battle has yet to start

by:Celecare     2020-07-13
Health care reform is China's major health industry more than ten years of high frequency words. Since drugs zero addition, countries in negotiations, medicare directory frequency increase, and a series of policy directly affect the manufacturing industry of real benefits and fall to the ground, make a lot of people in the industry exclamation money. In recent five years, an indicator of health care policy and even has become the industry development. Many media exclaimed: health reform has entered the deep waters. However, health care reform may is far from over, is far away from the so-called deep waters also - - - - - - - We haven't health care reform battle started. 01. Public hospitals in the industrial chain terminal, it is the success or failure of the reform main industrial chain from the health industry's point of view, public hospital is the terminal industry chain, and most importantly, it is the way to the whole industry chain terminal payment of the most important one annulus. Therefore, the public hospital reform is the core of big health industry and its changes of the whole industry chain transmission is extremely huge - - - - - - Hospital end drugs zero bonus of prescription drugs outflow is for many years the expectations of retail pharmacies, hospitals, the procurement focus to countries in great shock to generics industry can reflect public hospitals are in the core position in the industry. As a result of public hospitals in our country medical service system in the position of strength and strong binding with health care in our country, public hospitals in the core position in the big health industry is particularly evident in the health care system in our country. Represented by public hospitals, therefore, the transformation of the medical service industry is the core of health reform. Health policy in our country at present stage, however, most concentrated in the upper and middle reaches, while still concentrated in the medicine, the landing of the reform of public hospitals accounted for a few policy, such as hospital system reform, the doctor shortage, the grading system such as landing core problem still stay on the file. Chart 1: big part of the reform policy of health industry chain data source: 02 public information, the industry capital research center. 3 d linkage, the medical reform by the linkage of the medicine, health care, medical treatment and change the basic covers all aspects of the health industry, 3 d linkage is the core of health reform. Change is the key point of the reform of medicine. Generics consistency evaluation, countries in, reduce hospital the proportion, the innovation medicine medicine priority review, speed up the frequency medical insurance directory negotiations, such as a series of policy guiding the landing China's pharmaceutical industry toward the benefit the majority of the patients' health, for the long-term development path. And although the impact of health care reform is wide, but also began to power. In a range of universal health care has been basically completed, structural optimization has begun: national health insurance bureau, Ministry of Finance released in May 2019, regarding the 2019 urban and rural residents basic medical and health care work notice, clear will be cancelled by the end of 2020 urban and rural residents basic medical insurance individual ( Family) Account. And around the account of individual of worker health care reform or cancel also into the discussion. 3 d linkage of the last character, medical reform is difficult to fall to the ground. Private public hospitals to the town far behind the state-owned enterprises, scientific research institutes and other units, classification of diagnosis and treatment of the ground far short of the expected result in difficult problem to solve. The most serious problem is that China's medical staff's treatment caused such problems as shortage of medical staff. The problem of China's medical staff focus on the overall shortage and uneven distribution. In 2018, the number of doctors per thousand population in our country to 2. 59 people, while Germany's average is 4. In 98, the organisation for economic co-operation and development ( 经合组织) The average is 3. 99. And, more importantly, the doctor concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou and other big cities of 3 armour hospital, senior expert of concentration is more obvious, and the rural doctors per thousand population number is 1. Eight people, only 45% of the city. Pediatrics, emergency treatment, lack of psychiatric number of doctors and other professional phenomena and serious, there is discipline. What is more worrying, the number of public health physician has been reducing year by year trend, talent is weak, the situation may be more serious in the future. And this among them reason mainly has fallen, learning rules from time length, the doctor-patient relationship nervous and other factors. Within the system doctors at the hospital inside a large part of income gray income from drug companies. As drug addition to cancel, countries in the generics big price cuts, medical staff salary issues began to emerge. In addition, the cultivation of a medical student needs to 5 years undergraduate master + 3 + 3 years was gauge, it is a great test for young people. Finally, in recent years, the doctor-patient relationship nervous even bring medical staff personal safety threat, many medical students think that the doctor this career performance-to-price ratio is low. Compared to the upstream manufacturers, middle circulation of the industry, the downstream the reform of public hospital and its medical staff range is wide, the influence is big, and interest coordination is difficult, that is the deep waters of health care reform. But, if there is no medical personnel, development of health industry talk about? Health care reform, no, for a continuous supply of medical personnel to talk into the deep? 03. Countries have begun to action, but one pace reachs the designated position, hard to improve the staff treatment, protect the safety of medical staff has become a social consensus. At present, fujian sanming, chongqing, shanxi and other provinces more than 2800 pilot hospitals have begun to pay system reform to the doctor to make exploration, excess performance uncapped, releasing mode, etc.
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